Conference: What is the Political Novel? Defining the Genre
Caponeu event27.09.2023 - 29.09.2023
The first annual conference of the project The Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe (CAPONEU) discusses a variety of understandings of the political novel as a genre. It probes genre-theoretically and genre-historically informed approaches to defining the political novel and to paradigmatically illustrate this mutable genre with respect to specific novels that emerged in heterogeneous contexts.
Location: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Pariser Str. 1, 10719 Berlin
Organized by: Kyung-Ho Cha, Patrick Eiden-Offe, Ivana Perica (alle ZfL), Johanna-Charlotte Horst (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Christoph Schaub (Universität Vechta)

Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023
1.15 pm
- Eva Geulen, Zrinka Božić, Patrick Eiden-Offe: Introduction
2.00 pm
Institutions of Genre
Chair: Patrick Eiden-Offe (ZfL)
- Zrinka Božić (University of Zagreb): Rethinking politics of an unfinished project
- Mark Devenney (University of Brighton): Thinking fictions of the political
4.00 pm
A Genre between Estrangement and Identification: Perceptions and Perspectives
Chair: Ivana Perica (ZfL)
- Zvonimir Glavaš (University of Zagreb): “From Charlemagne to the title of the King”: Political novel between estrangement and recognition
- Tomasz Mizerkiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): Perceptions in the political novels
5.45 pm
Thursday, 28 Sep 2023
10.00 am
Identity, Social Stratification and the Politics of the Novel
Chair: Christoph Schaub (University of Vechta)
- Polina Mackay (University of Nicosia): Intersectional politics in the ‘cancerland’: Reading Natasha Brown’s Assembly
- Marina Protrka Štimec (University of Zagreb): “Perché i xe bestie?!” Politics, race and exclusion in Vladan Desnica’s Zimsko ljetovanje (The Winter Summer Holiday)
12.00 pm
The Political Novel and Political Readings of the Novel: Feminist Perspectives
Chair: Christoph Schaub (University of Vechta)
- Mirela Dakić (University of Zagreb): What is novel in the political novel? The perspectives of contemporary feminist theory
2.00 pm
Flourishing Repoliticisations
Chair: Aurore Peyroles (University of Regensburg)
- Magda Potok (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): The repoliticisation of Spanish culture and the dispute over the political novel in the context of the economic crisis of 2008
- Vedrana Veličković (University of Brighton): Brexit and the political novel/The politics of Brexlit
4.00 pm
Academic Fictions
Chair: Ivana Perica (ZfL)
- Rahul Putty (Manipal Academy of Higher Education): Not a book for burning: Reading the political in academic fiction
5.00 pm
8.00 pm
Round Table
Moderators: Patrick Eiden-Offe and Ivana Perica (ZfL)
- Literatur in Zeiten der Krise: Was kann der Roman leisten? (Literature in Times of Crisis: What Can the Novel Do?)
With Heike Geißler, Alhierd Bacharevič and Maryam Aras (in German)
Friday, 29 Sep 2023
10.00 am
Individual Subjects and/against Collectivity
Chair: Patrick Eiden-Offe (ZfL)
- Andrea Milanko, Ana Tomljenović (University of Zagreb): The picaresque novel: Claiming the unclaimed existence
- Paul Stewart (University of Nicosia): The individual and incorporation: Fundamental operations of the political in Beckett’s Molloy
12.00 pm
Blurred Boundaries
Chair: Kyung-Ho Cha (ZfL)
- Shambhavi Prakash (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi): Reading Hubert Fichte’s literary works as political
2.00 pm
Eastern/Western Chronotopes
Chair: Kyung-Ho Cha (ZfL)
- Rossie Artemis (University of Nicosia): Of people and chronotopes – Berlin in the early novels of Nabokov and Shklovsky
- Błażej Warkocki (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): Political parameters of East European queer novel: The case of Lubiewo (Lovetown) by Michał Witkowski
4.00 pm
The Political Novel in Europe: A Case Study
Chair: Aurore Peyroles (University of Regensburg)
- Nenad Ivić (University of Zagreb): Is Pierre Michon’s The Eleven a political novel?
5.00 pm
This project has received funding under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement 101094658: CAPONEU). 2023–2027
Cooperation partners: University of Zagreb (coordination), Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, University of Cambridge, University of Brighton, Autonomy, University of Nicosia, Slobodna Domena
Head researcher (ZfL): Patrick Eiden-Offe
Researchers (ZfL): Kyung-Ho Cha, Ivana Perica, Aurore Peyroles, in collaboration with Johanna-Charlotte Horst (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), Christoph Schaub (University of Vechta)