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Ivana Perica

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Ivana Perica, PhD, is a Research Assostant at the Leibniz Centre for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin (ZfL). As a postdoctoral researcher, she is associated with the ZfL, where she organised the First annual conference of the CAPONEU consortium together with other Berlin team members. Together with the rest of the team, she is also organising three workshops, leading a three-year book club on “Politics and Literature” and preparing a collective monograph on selected political novels of the 20th and 21st centuries. She is working on a monograph with the working title How to read a political novel.

Her research is concerned with the relationship between literary writing and politics and the intersections between literary and political theory. She focuses mainly on 20th- and 21st-century literature, with particular attention to literary public spheres and the socialist third way as it has evolved in the literary imaginary of the past century.


Leibniz Centre for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin (ZfL)

Book author

  • Die privat-öffentliche Achse des Politischen: Das Unvernehmen zwischen Hannah Arendt und Jacques Rancière (Königshausen & Neumann, 2016)

Books/special issues of journals edited

  • Kohlmann, Benjamin; Perica, Ivana eds.: The Political Uses of Literature: Global Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches, 1920–2020 (Bloomsbury, 2024)
  • Kohlmann, Benjamin; Perica, Ivana eds.: Peripheral Europes. Special issue of the journal Critical Quarterly 65.4 (2023).
  • Beganović, Davor; Božić, Zrinka; Milanko, Andrea; Perica, Ivana eds.: Procedures of Resistance: Contents, Positions and the ›Doings‹ of Theory (Palgrave, 2024)
  • Perica, Ivana; Corke, Catriona; Wegmann, Philipp eds.: Literary Acts of Agency (De Gruyter, upcoming)
  • Baradaran, Kamran; Perica, Ivana eds.: Where do we go from here? Two years of the pandemic. Special issue of Philosophy World Democracy (2022)
  • Jurcan, Emil; Perica, Ivana eds.: György Lukács: Poglavlje o arhitekturi (DAI-SAI, Filozofski fakultet Rijeka und Sandorf, 2017)
  • Perica, Ivana ed..: Političko ↔ Pedagoško. Janusova lica pedagogije (Blaberon, 2013)

Memberships and honours

Contact information (email address and official address of the institution)
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung
Pariser Straße 1, 10719 Berlin, Germany

external links

Related political novels

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Public / private

Structural Transformations



East vs. West

Province / Periphery

Upward Mobility


Joseph Conrad

Under Western Eyes

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Political Espionage

Russian Revolution of 1905 (First Russian Revolution)

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The Palace of Dreams

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Ottoman Empire

People's Socialist Republic of Albania

Political Dictatorship

Political Corruption

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Refugee Boy

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Political Asylum

Black Identity

Institutional Racism

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Sex mit Gysi

Sex with Gysi

Presented by:Ivana Perica


Political Disenchantment

Left-Wing Parliamentarism

Female Politicians

Political Elections

Reading materials


What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre - day 2


What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre - day 1


What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre - day 3


Literature in Times of Crisis: What Can the Novel Do?

Working Paper Collection

Kyung-Ho Cha, Ivana Perica, Aurore Peyroles, Christoph Schaub (Eds.): European Centers and Peripheries in the Political Novel (Caponeu Working Papers)

Working Paper

Kyung-Ho Cha, Ivana Perica, Aurore Peyroles, Christoph Schaub: “European Centers and Peripheries in the Political Novel.”