Careva kraljevina
Emperor’s Kingdom
Prison Fiction
Zrinka Božić, PhD, Associate Professor of Literary Theory and History. Her research interests include narrative theory, intersections between literature and philosophy, the position of literature and literary theory in relation to politics, avant-garde theory and practice, theories of representation and problems of testimony.
She is the principal investigator in the CAPONEU team and is therefore responsible for the implementation of the project. Her role is to coordinate the project administration, research and innovation activities, but also to contribute to the research part of the project by writing scholarly papers and text portraits, giving presentations at conferences and workshops and participating in various project working groups.
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Chair of Literary Theory Section
Book author
Books/special issues of journals edited
Memberships and honours
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Literary Theory Section
Ivana Lučića 3
10000 Zagreb
Email: zrinka.bozic@ffzg.unizg.hr
External links
Prison Fiction