Tomasz Mizerkiewicz
Tomasz Mizerkiewicz is a professor of literary theory and history of literature who works on theoretical issues concerning literary contexts of post-critical theories, philosophy of presence, new materialism, descriptive turn, temporal turn and ecocriticism. In the history of literature, he studies Polish writings of the 20th and 21st centuries, where he describes various issues, such as Polish futuristic works, experimental prose, experience of WWII in literature, social realism, underground literature under communism, transformation period with mythical prose, comical and humorous writing, temporal experience. He is also a literary critic collaborating with numerous literary magazines where he comments on the current Polish literature. Editor-in-chief of a scholarly literary bilingual (Polish and English) magazine "Forum Poetyki / Forum of Poetics" (
In the CAPONEU project, he coordinates the activities of the Poznań team. The team develops research on the political novel in Europe between democracy and authoritarianism (two workshops and one conference).
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Institute of Polish Philology
Department of Literature of 20th Century, Theory of Literature and Art of Translation
Book Author
- Czytanie postkrytyczne. Teorie i praktyki literaturoznawcze po konstruktywizmie (Postcritical Reading. Literary Theories and Practices After Constructivism) 2024.
- Niewspółczesność. Doświadczenie temporalne w polskiej literaturze najnowszej (Noncontemporaneity. Temporal Experience in the Latest Polish Literature) 2021.
- Po tamtej stronie tekstów. Literatura polska a nowoczesna kultura obecności (On the Other Side of Texts. Polish Literature and the Modern Presence Culture), 2013.
- Literatura obecna. Szkice o najnowszej prozie i krytyce (Present Literature. On the Latest Prose and Criticism), 2013
- Nić śmiesznego. Studia o komizmie w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku (Fun's Thread. Studies on the Comic in Polish Literature of 20th and 21st Centuries), 2007.
- Stylizacje mityczne w prozie polskiej po 1968 roku (Mythical Stylisation in Polish Prose After 1968), 2001.
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Fredry 10
61-701 Poznań