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Tara Talwar Windsor

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Tara Talwar Windsor, PhD, is Research Associate and Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics (MMLL) in Cambridge. She specializes in modern German culture, literature and history, with particular interest in the public roles of creative intellectuals. She co-leads the research group ‘Cultural Production and Social Justice’, together with Sarah Colvin, Charlotte Woodford and Melina Mandelbaum.

She is a member of the Cambridge CAPONEU team and co-organizes events relating to the work package “Travelling Knowledge: Global Epistemologies and the Political Novel in Europe”, including the workshop “The Political Novel in Reading Groups” and the related public engagement event “What’s Novel about a Novel? Storytelling and Travelling Knowledge”. She represents the Cambridge team on the project working groups for text portraits and the digital platform and is working towards a monograph under the working title Networks of Knowledge: Creative Writers, Postmigrant Politics & the German Public Sphere.


University of Cambridge
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics 

Edited books & special issues

Selma Rezgui, Laura Marie Sturtz & Tara Talwar Windsor (eds.), Rewriting Identities in Contemporary Germany: Radical Diversity and Literary Interventions, co-edited with & (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2024).

Sarah Colvin & Tara Talwar Windsor (eds.) Sharon Dodua Otoo – Literature, Politics, Possibility, German Life & Letters, 77:1 (2024).

Catherine Smale & Tara Talwar Windsor (eds.) Aftermath: German Culture in the Wake of World War I, Oxford German Studies, 49:4 (2020).

Memberships and honours:

Member of:

  • Association of German Studies in Great Britain & Ireland

  • Women in German Studies in Great Britain & Ireland

  • German Studies Association


Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics 
University of Cambridge 
Sidgwick Avenue 
Cambridge CB3 9DA 
United Kingdom 


External links