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Marina Protrka Štimec

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Marina Protrka Štimec, PhD, is a Full Professor of Literature. Her research interests include: modern Croatian and comparative literature; literary authorship, canon and influence; the political and social implications of narrative form. She is a researcher with the University of Zagreb CAPONEU team contributing to the papers and text portraits, giving presentations at conferences and workshops and participating in various project working groups.




University of Zagreb

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Croatian Language and Literature

Chair of Modern Croatian Literature Section


Book Author


  • Stvaranje književne nacije. Oblikovanje kanona u hrvatskoj književnoj periodici 19. stoljeća [Inventing the Literary Nation. Canon Formation in 19th Century Croatian Literary Periodicals] (FFPress, Zagreb 2008)
  •  Politike autorstva. Kanon, zajednica i pamćenje u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti [Politics of Authorship. Canon, Community and Memory in Modern Croatian Literature] (HSN, Zagreb 2019)


Books/special issues of journals edited


  • Književnost i revolucije [Literature and Revolutions] (FFPress, 2024, with Z. Božić and A. Tomljenović)
  • Književnost: motori i hambari. Zbornik radova u čast Vinka Brešića [The Literature as Engines and Barns. Festschrift in Honour of Vinko Brešić] (FFPress, 2022, with S. Coha)
  • “Ja kao svoja slika”: diskurzivnost i koncepti autorstva Tina Ujevića ["Me as My Image": Tin Ujević's Discursivity and Authorships Concepts] (HSN, Zagreb, 2020, with A. Ryznar)
  • Veliki vidar. Stoljeće Grigora Viteza. [The Great Healer: A Century of Grigor Vitez] (UF, Zagreb, 2013, with D. Zalar and D. Zima)


Memberships and honours

Member of European Society of Comparative Literature and Croatian Writers' Society (Hrvatsko društvo pisaca)



Contact information

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


External links

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Presented by:Marina Protrka Štimec





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Reading materials


What is the Political Novel: Defining the Genre - day 2