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Karin Doolan

Caponeu Team Member • Scholar

Karin Doolan is a Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Zadar, Department of Sociology. As a sociologist of education she has researched themes such as conceptions of citizenship education, how class inequalities are amplified by educational settings, and the impact of climate-change related disasters on the organisational life of schools. She has been particularly interested in the applications of Bourdieu’s conceptual toolbox in post-socialist contexts. Her scholarship is inseparable from her activist sensibility and she is especially committed to collaborations with the civil society sector.

She is a researcher on the Political Novel in Action work package of the CAPONEU project which explores the place and characteristics of the political novel in reading lists for secondary schools and civil society organizations working on topics such as climate change, migration and gender inequalities. Her research within the work package also involves interviewing teachers and civil society organization educators on their understandings of the political novel and their experiences using it in educational settings.


University of Zadar
Department of Sociology

Selected publications

  • Doolan, K., Tonković, Ž. (2021). Convergences and divergences of a Bourdieusian and occupation-based approach to social class: evidence from Croatia. European Societies, 23(5): 590-621.

  • Doolan, K., Liebenberg, L. (2019). Using Photo-Elicitation Interviewing to Bridge Social Gaps, u: M. Honerod Hoveid, l. Ciolan, A. Paseka, S. Marques da Silva (ur.) Doing Educational Research: Overcoming Challenges in Practice. London: Sage, str. 54-71.
  • Ross, A., Puzić, S., Doolan, K. (2017). Balkan and European? Place Identifications of Young People in Croatia. Revija za sociologiju, 47(2): 125-150.
  • Doolan, K., Lukić, N., Buković, N. (2016). The Embodiment of Class in the Croatian VET School System. European Journal of Education, 51(3): 345-559.

Books/special issues of journals edited

  • Doolan, K., Cepić, D. (2022). Class Dynamics from Socialism to Post-Socialism. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, University of California Press.

Memberships and honours

  • member of the Croatian Sociological Association

  • member of the Governing Board of the Institute for Political Ecology


    member of the Assembly of the Institute for the Development of Education


    member of the Assembly of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Philosophy and Society 


University of Zadar
Department of Sociology 
Ulica Šime Vitasovića 1
23000 Zadar


External links