Kissani Jugoslavia
My Cat Yugoslavia
Yugoslav Wars
Eric Bergman, PhD, is a Senior Research Assistant at the CAPONEU Project. His research interests include narrative theory, indigenous metaphysics and philosophy, Chicanx and Romani studies, so-called ‘ethnic literature,’ and academic writing as an art and science.
As part of the CAPONEU team, he is responsible for the text portraits of political novels from Finland (being raised bilingually: Finnish and English). He will also implement an ‘academic writing in English’ workshop for colleagues in the autumn of 2024. His goals is to submit four academic papers for publication as part of the project, submit an adapted manuscript of his PhD dissertation for potential publication as a book at The Ohio State University Press, and to finally learn the Croatian language well enough to become an indispensable part of the Croatian scholarly milieu.
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Books/special issues of journals edited
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Ivana Lučića 3
10000 Zagreb
Email: ebergman@m.ffzg.hr
External links
Yugoslav Wars