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The Feminist Book Club 8

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Eighth session of the Feminist Book Club in Booksa, Zagreb

Lana Bastašić: Uhvati zeca, 2019. 

16. 5. 2024.

At the May meeting, we discussed the novel Uhvati zeca by Lana Bastašić (Buybook, 2019). The novel tells the story of two friends, Sara and Lejla, who are separated in time and space – between Dublin, Mostar, Banja Luka and Vienna as well as the present and a childhood marked by war in the 1990s. The search for a missing friend, a brother, leads back into the past and reveals the chronicle of a decades-long friendship. In this novel, political circumstances and war events are articulated as a disturbing backdrop for a girl’s coming of age and the current alternative of emigration and staying in place. Our conversation focused on female friendship as an important literary theme and a specific perspective on political issues, as well as the narrative strategies used in this novel to tell individual and shared stories.


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The Feminist Book Club