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The Feminist Book Club 3

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Third session of the Feminist Book Club in Booksa, Zagreb

Virginia Woolf: Orlando, 1928.
Sally Potter: Orlando, 1992.

14. 12. 2023.

When she began writing Orlando in 1927, Virginia Woolf had already published novels that placed her in the modernist canon: Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927). In these novels, she explored modernist techniques such as stream of consciousness and free indirected speech, which marked a break with nineteenth-century third-person realist narrative. A decade before Orlando, she and her husband Leonard Woolf founded the famous publishing house The Hogarth Press, known for its publications of T. S. Eliot and Freud. Together with her husband and her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell, she was a member of the Bloomsbury Group, a group of artists and intellectuals who met from 1907 to 1930. In this environment, Virginia Woolf also met a writer from the aristocratic Sackville-West family, to whom she dedicated Orlando (the story of the Sackville family partly inspired the novel, and the family portraits were included in the book edition along with those of Vita). Many interpretations of Orlando have focused precisely on the author's relationship with Vita; however, the novel is too complex to be interpreted solely through the prism of the dedication – and the text itself resists such a reading in several places.

Questions that we discussed in the club:

Orlando in the context of his family and English society:


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The Feminist Book Club