Rethinking the Political: Narrative, Protest and Fiction in the 21st Century
Caponeu event09.09.2024 - 11.09.2024
2nd annual conference
Rethinking the Political: Narrative, Protest and Fiction in the 21st Century
Date: 9-11 September
Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, Grand Parade, University of Brighton, UK
Keynote Speakers
- Professor Moya Lloyd: Radical corporeal politics: Flesh as a locus of political struggle
- Professor Alan Finlayson: A Hero’s Journey? Ideological Entrepreneurs and Reactionary Digital Politics
- Dr German Primera: Colonial Biopolitics and the Arc of Refusal: rethinking grammars of resistance
Rethinking the Political: Narrative, Protest and Fiction in the 21st Century - Program