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Book Club: Politics and Literature: Novels for the New Century - Dinçer Güçyeter: "Unser Deutschlandmärchen"

Caponeu event

19.02.2024 - 19.02.2024

Dinçer Güçyeter's novel Unser Deutschlandmärchen is a multi-voiced family saga that weaves together personal memories, lyrical texts and a social critique of the situation of migrants or so-called guest workers in Germany. Spanning the early decades of the last century to almost the present day, the novel unfolds as a rich collection of narratives from different generations - especially the voices of resilient women and the in-between perspective of a son born in Germany. The discussion was mostly very lively and stimulating. Many participants really enjoyed the book. In particular, the lyrical language was admired. Many participants, especially those who, like the author, come from the Ruhr area, were surprised at how little they knew about the lives of immigrants of Turkish origin and their children who were born and raised in Germany. In the third part of the session, the tone of the conversation changed. The general issue of immigration was discussed controversially. Books by authors with a so-called migration background seem to have the potential to polarise, even if they are not polarising themselves. Book clubs are part of a political public sphere where the willingness for open exchange has become rare. 

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Caponeu event

Book Club: Politics and Literature: Novels for the New Century

Related political novels

Dinçer Güçyeter

Unser Deutschlandmärchen

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Presented by:Kyung-Ho Cha


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